Are you struggling with constantly meeting jerks while dating?

constantly meeting jerks while dating Sep 02, 2024
Empowered woman reclining on sofa

Dating can be really fun when you meet someone and you hit it off straight away. There is chemistry, you find out that you share a sense of humour and time seems to fly by without you noticing.

But then something happens, you have no idea what, and things start to take a turn for the worst. It starts off innocently, you send him a text in the afternoon and it is left unchecked for the whole evening. This hadn't happened before and you wonder what's going on when after an hour there is still only the one tick.

And you reason that he is probably busy with work or after work hobbies, so you push your suspicion away and occupy yourself with that new Netflix series. But now it's almost ten o'clock and still only that one tick. You reason that there will be a really good reason for this and that he will probably tell you about his emergency situation tomorrow that will explain this weird behaviour. So you go to bed and put it for a tomorrow issue.

Only tomorrow comes and nothing. No text, no phone call. You get busy in the morning and don't get to think about it, but now it's lunch time and you really begin to wonder what is going on. By the afternoon you are really beginning to get annoyed and contemplate sending him an angry message, but you don't, you wait to see if he messages you first.

By the time you are having your dinner and there is still no reply you decide to send a message, enquiring as to how his day was. An hour later a reply saying that his day was 'ok'. That's it, nothing else, no apology, no explanation, no 'how are you' back. What are you supposed to answer to that, you wonder?

You decide to drop a quick 'it was fine thanks' and leave it at that. All the while wondering what the heck is going on. And since there is no other communication you leave it there and you go about your evening. The next day there's no communication, nor the day after. By the third day there's a message saying 'hi' with a smiley face. And your heart jumps...

He's finally making an effort and decided that he does miss you after all and so has sent you a message, right? But the rest of the days and then weeks all follow this kind of pattern. And you finally wonder how you are in this situation again.

You had so hoped that this time it would be different, it seemed like it would be when you met. So what went wrong, you wonder? You are now feeling frustrated that this keeps being your dating experience and annoyed that you keep wasting your time dating these jerks.

The thing is that you attract who you are being. That means the state of being that you are in most of the time. And your state of being is made up by the thoughts that you think, the emotions that those thoughts evoke and if that is where your focus is at a lot of the time.

Your state of being is created by habitual thinking.

When your dominant thoughts are keeping you in an emotional state of frustration, annoyance, not good enough, and the like then they create an emotional state that doesn't feel good. And when you focus on these thoughts and emotions it creates more of the same thoughts and emotions.

The law of attraction at it's best, bringing you more of what you are being. Like attracting like. The thoughts of 'there are so many jerks out there', 'why do I keep ending up with jerks?', 'there are no good ones left.', and so on will bring more of those type of thoughts to circulate in your mind. And since your thoughts create the emotions that you feel, they go hand in hand with feelings of annoyance, frustration, not good enough etc.

And habitual thoughts form beliefs, so the thoughts that you keep thinking over and over again then form your beliefs. So when you have habitual thoughts of not being good enough, and that you keep finding those jerks and they keep finding you too! That before long this becomes your belief.

So when you start going on the dating apps and then the actual dates, you go with the belief that 'I keep meeting jerks.' and 'jerks keep finding me!' then this is what is going to be your reality. This type of example is the type of experience that you will keep finding yourself in.

Luckily there is a solution to the jerk problem! You can change your thoughts, emotions and beliefs. Yup, it is as simple as that. Because once you change what thoughts you are continually thinking, the emotions that these thoughts evoke then you start to change your beliefs. This creates a gap in the manifesting cycle and it will allow your chosen thoughts a chance to gain momentum and therefore change your dating experience.

A good place to start is by asking yourself the question:

'What do I believe about having a soulmate to share my life with?'

Just allow the answer to come and approach this with curiosity and openness as to what comes up. Allow the subconscious answers to bubble up and tell you your deep and vulnerable truth. 

You have to know who you are, what are your desires, your values, boundaries and what is your worth [truly, that hand on heart deep feeling truth]. Because you can't fool the Universe, you can't pretend to feel something and expect to have a different dating experience. You have to truly change how you are feeling about yourself first. Only then can the outside change too.

Your state of being is showing you what you have got going on by the way that your date or that guy is showing up for you.

The good news is that things can change really quickly for you when you adjust how you are being. Once you feel yourself as the powerful woman that you are, and you feel your worth, you feel the love you want to experience already within you then the outside experience will have to match that. It is law.




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